Love is not an endless phone call, love doesn’t come in the form of a
myspace comment no matter how sweet it may be, love has nothing to
do with random texts at 3 am in the morning, love is not how many times
you draw their name in the sand at the beach. Real love is something you
sometimes can’t physically see, sometimes you can’t understand it, but
you can feel it and it hurts. Take away all the cute little things because
they don’t matter when it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is
that persons soul and what’s BEHIND that smile. Love is being able to let
go and still knowing that the person is and always will be your best friend
and you do it for them and them alone. Love is being able to put them
before yourself unselfishly and having no second thoughts. You have to work
hard, you have to wait, you have to be patient and you have to be
understanding because in the end, that’s love.
People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made
of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of
viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.

You know what’s the most terrifying thing about admitting that you’re
in love? You’re just naked. You put yourself in harm’s way and you lay
down all your defenses. No clothes, no weapons. Nowhere to hide,
completely vulnerable. The only thing that makes it tolerable is to believe
the other person loves you back and you can trust them not to hurt you.
When I saw you I remembered all of the reasons I once loved you, and
not one of the many reasons I shouldn’t.
We spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning for the future,
trying to predict the future. As if somehow figuring it out will somehow
cushion the blow.But the future is always changing, the future is the home
of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes. But one thing is certain: when
it finally reveals itself, the future is never the way we imagined it.
myspace comment no matter how sweet it may be, love has nothing to
do with random texts at 3 am in the morning, love is not how many times
you draw their name in the sand at the beach. Real love is something you
sometimes can’t physically see, sometimes you can’t understand it, but
you can feel it and it hurts. Take away all the cute little things because
they don’t matter when it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is
that persons soul and what’s BEHIND that smile. Love is being able to let
go and still knowing that the person is and always will be your best friend
and you do it for them and them alone. Love is being able to put them
before yourself unselfishly and having no second thoughts. You have to work
hard, you have to wait, you have to be patient and you have to be
understanding because in the end, that’s love.
People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made
of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of
viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.
You know what’s the most terrifying thing about admitting that you’re
in love? You’re just naked. You put yourself in harm’s way and you lay
down all your defenses. No clothes, no weapons. Nowhere to hide,
completely vulnerable. The only thing that makes it tolerable is to believe
the other person loves you back and you can trust them not to hurt you.
When I saw you I remembered all of the reasons I once loved you, and
not one of the many reasons I shouldn’t.
We spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning for the future,
trying to predict the future. As if somehow figuring it out will somehow
cushion the blow.But the future is always changing, the future is the home
of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes. But one thing is certain: when
it finally reveals itself, the future is never the way we imagined it.